
Snuggies and Shamwows

Snuggies are a potentially life-changing product that’s currently being sold on the teevee set. Essentially, behold, it's a blanket--but a blanket with arms! Imagine, a blanket with arms, to keep you extra toasty warm around the house! The commercial is over-the-top in the way that sold-only-on-teevee commercials are, showing glowing white and happy families hanging out sanctimoniously together in their snuggies, delighting over what can only be the world's most hilarious books (reading lamp included), and waving their arms all around so the viewer can see that, indeed, your arms are free to move in a snuggie.

It’s all a little preposterous. Yet. I kind of want a snuggie. I’m home, and I’m cold, and all I can think is, Gee teevee, you’re right. How nice it would be to have a snuggie of my own to wear and warm my bones (and make a good Benedictine monk costume at Halloween). Now is that good product or good marketing?

What holds me back is the slippery sold-only-on-teevee slope. Next thing you know I’ll be snatching up shamwows like they’re on limited-time, one-time-only, get-em-while-they’re hot, these-things-sell-themselves, call-now-or-you-will-suffer-the-consequences, it's-not-wow-it's-shamwow shamtastic offer.

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