
Never Too Old to Die

Exquisite squeaky-fresh feeling day. Walking through it is like a purification.

Until you get to MUNI. Smelled like burned rubber and bad breath.

On my ride home, there's an old man standing next to me making love to his blackberry. He's got to be upwards of 70, dressed in full suit, and his wrinkled fingers are working the blackberry keys like mad. I looked over (boredom makes me nosy. and shameless.) and had to smile when I saw that what he was doing so intently and businesslike was playing a shoot-em-up alien game. Despite the furiosity with which he hit the keys, he wasn't doing so well. I watched him die three times, but he seemed determined to keep trying, keep living, and kill or be killed age-be-damned-if-he-wasn't-going-to-have fun.

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