The helicopters have finally moved away from over my apartment -- they've been following the middle-east protesters as they move around the city. Still going strong from yesterday, I guess, which makes sense for a conflict thousands of years in the making.
Today began with a long conversation about a deceased coworker. I believe today would have been her birthday, and I ran into a friend of hers (also a coworker) on MUNI and neither of us could stop ourselves from talking. It is still so shocking to me how a life can get cut so short and so quickly, and how the aftermath and its impact on people will be settling like fall-out for years to come.
But for every death, there is the counter-balm of birth. Tonight, I found out a dear friend of mine from college is pregnant, something I know she's wanted for a very long time. I'm thrilled for her, and her family, and so happy to hear there is someone who is closing out '08 with blessings and happiness.
Everywhere else I read it's goodbye and good riddance to 2008. Such a shitty news cycle -- Arianna Huffington chronicles it all in her post today, everything from Spitzer and his call girl to Palin and her "team of mavericks" to total economic collapse. What a year.
I personally also can't wait to turn the page to 2009. To feeling fine in '09! To having a good time in '09! Happy-almost-new year.
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5 years ago