I'm back after a forgotten password hiatus, rediscovered and now I'm back and raring to blog about OJ Simpson.
Let's set aside, for the moment, the question of guilt or innocence. Let's say, for just a second, that is beside the point, it doesn't matter. Doesn't this guy still serve as an in-America's-face totem of everything wrong with our justice system? You've got someone who gets aquitted in trial by jury (so, he's innocent, right?), only to be found guilty in the civil courts (so he's definitely guilty now), yet has not made good on the court order to pay reparations (so isn't that a further guilt that should go punished?), who's had scrape after scrape with the law (of no consequence) and who now busts into a seedy Nevada hotel room to demand "his stuff back" while his goon friends wave arounda gun. He then smiles for his mug shot and proclaims there was absolutely nothing wrong with his behavior.
Ummm, okay. So we can all become vigilantes?
Should I bust into xx's house and wave around a machete while insisting he give me my tent back? Should a grab a gun and demand xx pays me back for all those cigarettes I sent him in rehab?
Uh, no.
What's your damage, OJ? Who the fuck do you think you are, a man who got away with murder???
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5 years ago